

Sunday, 22 November 2015

מְכוֹנַת כְּתִיבָה


  1. Nice find! Perhaps you could use it to type verses from the Torah onto parchment paper.

  2. It really is hard to see the difference between smaller and larger letters. I have a Hebrew Lettera 32 that actually uses two different typefaces; one is smaller and one is bigger, but in addition, the bigger one (as I recall) is simplified and straighter.

  3. Bill had one of these in for repair at MTE last year and I got to play with it a little. Fun little machine. If I had one, I'd apply labels on the keys corresponding to a Latin keyboard layout and use it as a simple substitution cipher machine. Make people decrypt my typecasts to read them. (:

    Actually.. hmmn.. that would confound any present and future attempt by the Great Satan to auto-index your messages using OCR spiders too. I may have to keep an eye out for an Indonesian or Hindi machine.. :D

    1. Well - it would be fun to swap keytops with a standard QWERTY Baby and use this one as a cipher machine and the other to learn to keep your eyes away from the keyboard :)

  4. Very nice addition to anyone's collection.
