

Monday, 28 July 2014

Art of the design de luxe


  1. Very beautiful typewriter.

  2. Excellent!

    Take it to Harrods and ask for a ribbon.

    1. Sure I will! I'm a bit scared they will say: "Of course! Here you are. £50 per spool..."
      Anyway - typing on Harrods in Harrods was the idea I had since I bought that green Torpedo-Harrods for Nick - it was his machine though so I didn't feel authorized to do so. I suggested it to him but I guess he didn't go for it in the end.

    2. And it requires a new ribbon as the current one is quite old - the splatter you see on that scanned bit of paper above is the ribbon being chewed by the slugs...

  3. I think your Harrods beats my Harrods for beauty—how is the type action?

    I like how yours discards the silly fractions and has 4 different accents!

    1. Hmmm - how do I describe the feel properly... It has a solid, "weighty" and luxurious feel to it, not too heavy but very satisfying, somehow close to the feel I get from my Underwood No.5. Sort of like chopping wood with a proper tool - with the right technique you just make the axe fly and it does the job for you when on much lesser machines you feel like you're poking the wood with a butter knife...

      And yeah - I like that sad face on a dead key very much ;)

  4. Great score! The black keys are an interesting feature.

  5. Nick's just being kind ;-) Green paint trumps black every time. Great find though, it does appear well looked after. Oh yes, and it has the back plate.... nice. Aiming to get over and pick up the '22' sometime, probably not for a few weeks though.

  6. Also reminds me of the conversation about the word 'Foreign' and how it might appear xenophobic to some.
